Posts from August 2017

Posts from August 2017

Dr. Ravi Zacharias

This brief testimony below of is of Dr. Ravi Zacharias. It is a powerful reminder of the fact that once you have a God encounter, you’ll never be the same. As you read over this list of encounters, consider where your story has had God encounters, how you’re not the same because of them. But also allow his thoughts by the ministry of the Holy Spirit to challenge you in those areas where you might still need the courage to…

Who’s the boss?

I was thinking of a song from my teen years, Tighter, Tighter by Alive & Kicking. Two lovers pledging their hearts yet worrying that they’ll lose each other (you can see it here on Youtube It made me think of how the most natural thing to do when it seems like something important to me is coming apart is to try and hold it together. If it’s a vital relationship that seems to be slipping away, I try to…

Purpose and plans for here?

“The spirit often throws him into the fire or into the water, trying to kill him. Have mercy on us and help us, if you can.” “What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” The father instantly cried out, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!”” Mark‬ ‭9:22-24‬ ‭NLT ‬‬     Someone recently asked me in a private moment if I really believed that God has a plan and…

The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath

One Sabbath, Jesus, and his disciples are walking through grain fields and being followed by some religious guys. These religious guys were always around Jesus, just watching for a way to discredit Him. Their jealousy and hatred for Jesus burned in them constantly. The hungry disciples started reaching out and grabbing some of the ripe grain to eat as they were walking along. Or maybe they just had what we call the munchies? Yet, in the opinion of the religious…

Places of Interest

As we watch the cultural war continue in our country, it must become more clear to us as followers of Jesus Christ of the important and vital role our scheduled times of fellowship represent. For us the “insiders” it is the moments when we can come in out of the turmoil of so many voices and hear our one voice lifted in praise to the God we love and hear His voice as we open the scriptures. For those “outsiders”…