Sermons on Community Groups

Sermons on Community Groups

FACES Strengthened like Steel

This is the final message this series. We tend to compare strength in terms of physical first. Often when we say we can’t, its because we think about supporting something in our own power. But today we want to consider strength from the perspective of being settled in our minds because of faith. Trusting God to do because we choose to believe He will! Because we accept that He is faithful to us and will be faithful to us.

Life In Circles Part 2: Piece of Cake

Last week we discussed that a drifting heart doesn’t show in a row. Rows don’t know, circles know and that’s why circles are more important than rows. Someone can see what you can’t. So to avoid the drift, someone must have access, permission to appeal to, exhort, implore. Because we drift toward isolation, independence, and autonomy, none of which are healthy. Today’s BIG IDEA is; the danger of autonomy and the power of community.

Life in Circles Part 1 – Watch Your Step

Commitment isn’t enough. You and I, we must be connected. Life is better connected because connection results in, faithfulness. It’s not enough to have strong commitments and convictions. We must have strong connections; we must be in environments where we’re encouraged, urged, and exhorted to remain faithful. This begins a two-part series in preparation for beginning our new Fall community groups.