Sermons on Evangelism

Sermons on Evangelism

Eureka! Found It

Eureka comes from the Greek heurēka meaning, “I have found”, and is attributed to Archimedes as his exclamation on discovering a method for determining the purity of gold. We can generally say its what one might say when you make a sudden realization! Today it names cities, a vacuum sweeper line, TV series, even a college in Illinois, among other things. Could the Gospel be the one thing that can produce the EUREKA moment for life! Sadly 94% of all the churches in America are losing ground in their…

Tailored 2 Fit Suitable

Today’s message is about being who God’s truly made us to be. The reason that is important is because those marked by God’s love are called to obey! The basis for discipleship is the death of Jesus for the world. Disciples die for family, friends and enemies equally as opportunity arises. Today our bottom line is…. “If you’ve been marked by God’s love, be who you are not what people expect”

FACES Strengthened like Steel

This is the final message this series. We tend to compare strength in terms of physical first. Often when we say we can’t, its because we think about supporting something in our own power. But today we want to consider strength from the perspective of being settled in our minds because of faith. Trusting God to do because we choose to believe He will! Because we accept that He is faithful to us and will be faithful to us.

FACES Grace Cares For Everyone

We continue our talks on the FACE of Grace (Forgive Accept Care Encourage Strength) today its’ although Grace cares for everyone God has a special care designed for His sons and daughters. Some would say that He cares “much more” for those who have received His love through Jesus Christ. Is it an elite class or is it just simply dependent on one’s faith? And if its so, what would be the purpose of a group getting more care tan any other? Jesus did pray differently…

FACES: grace accepts them all

In part two we hear jokingly about “a face only a mother could love” or I’ve heard that a baby is “so ugly their cute”. The truth is that Grace Accepts Them All! This week’s talk is about how God’s Grace is inclusive, freely extended to everyone, but not at the cost of His character. Inclusion for God the Father meant Calvary for Jesus and a cross for each of us!

FACES of Grace in Forgiveness

What does “FACES” stand for? It’s an acronym. Forgive, Accept, Care, Encourage, Strengthen. Our study over the next few weeks will be looking at each word’s importance to the believer, to us a gathered group of insiders and for those not yet gathered in gospel. What is forgiveness? What is the cost of forgiveness and who pays for it? Who can access it? What happens if we don’t share it?

Mindset: When Hope Shows It’s Face

The people in the scriptures and their stories are not exceptions but are examples for us to follow in like faith. I’ll tell you that although in life we usually do not get to choose which battles we will face, we always get to choose whether we will face them in faith or not. The difference is “…how you see because the unseen is what you’ve seen”.  What our world, our country, state, neighborhoods and families need right now more than…

#ForTheMonValley Part 2 – Rivals

There are all sorts of Rivals in many areas of life….sports, work, education. Rivals are also seen as neighboring towns, townships, and Counties, and sadly sometimes other congregations. But we’re not competing but co-laboring, yet we’ve got our personal mandate to serve with them. And to serve all of them. In this talk, we’ll see that rather than being “one of two or more striving to reach or obtain something that only one can possess” (Merriam-Webster’s) that we have three…

The Uniqueness Of Jesus – Walter White

Truth is attractive and that’s why Jesus is seen as a great teacher. But when the call goes out to rely on and follow Him, fear of what I might lose if I do, often takes over and paralyzes one’s heart. So we look to works, good works, to repair our bad work. But what is the formula for covering one sin, or one bad work? What is the baseline for acceptable? Who determines it?

#ForTheMonValley – Locals

As communities change with age and suffer from unending cultural transitions, the established churches within those communities not only fall behind but easily develop an “us vs them” attitude in ministry. In this new series opener, Mark challenges us to run our race to win and to gather for the purpose of partnering with God. Join us as we look to sharpen our focus in order to bless our Mon Valley Communities. #ForTheMonValley…
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