Sermons from August 2018

Sermons from August 2018

Eureka! Found It

Eureka comes from the Greek heurēka meaning, “I have found”, and is attributed to Archimedes as his exclamation on discovering a method for determining the purity of gold. We can generally say its what one might say when you make a sudden realization! Today it names cities, a vacuum sweeper line, TV series, even a college in Illinois, among other things. Could the Gospel be the one thing that can produce the EUREKA moment for life! Sadly 94% of all the churches in America are losing ground in their…

Tailored 2 Fit Suitable

Today’s message is about being who God’s truly made us to be. The reason that is important is because those marked by God’s love are called to obey! The basis for discipleship is the death of Jesus for the world. Disciples die for family, friends and enemies equally as opportunity arises. Today our bottom line is…. “If you’ve been marked by God’s love, be who you are not what people expect”