Message Archive (Page 3)

Message Archive (Page 3)

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#ForTheMonValley Part 2 – Rivals

There are all sorts of Rivals in many areas of life….sports, work, education. Rivals are also seen as neighboring towns, townships, and Counties, and sadly sometimes other congregations. But we’re not competing but co-laboring, yet we’ve got our personal mandate to serve with them. And to serve all of them. In this talk, we’ll see that rather than being “one of two or more striving to reach or obtain something that only one can possess” (Merriam-Webster’s) that we have three…

The Uniqueness Of Jesus – Walter White

Truth is attractive and that’s why Jesus is seen as a great teacher. But when the call goes out to rely on and follow Him, fear of what I might lose if I do, often takes over and paralyzes one’s heart. So we look to works, good works, to repair our bad work. But what is the formula for covering one sin, or one bad work? What is the baseline for acceptable? Who determines it?

#ForTheMonValley – Locals

As communities change with age and suffer from unending cultural transitions, the established churches within those communities not only fall behind but easily develop an “us vs them” attitude in ministry. In this new series opener, Mark challenges us to run our race to win and to gather for the purpose of partnering with God. Join us as we look to sharpen our focus in order to bless our Mon Valley Communities. #ForTheMonValley…

You Lead, I’ll Follow – Part 3 – Of Ropes and Threads

“While your children are small you have then by a rope. Before they reach puberty, you will find that your rope has become a thread.” (Pastor Bob White) This weekend we examined our roles in parenting in light of the Gospel mandate to make disciples. We are all in love with our own opinions, convinced they’re correct. But the Lord is in the midst of us, testing and probing our every motive. Before you do anything, put your trust totally in…

You Lead, I’ll Follow – Part 2 – Life in Your Garden

What’s the one thing that every gardener wants from their garden? GROWTH! A lot of energy gets spent in gardening but there are some things that are out of the control of the gardener, weather, insects, blights, pollution, etc. And those ideas are often true about our marriage as well. The goal of a Christian marriage should be that our spouse grows in Jesus. That’s the direction of this message…

The Heart of the Matter – Part 4

Mark’s final message in this series is about serving others as part of following Jesus in His Kingdom of Love. We reveal our love for God above all else and our love for our neighbor as your self. That can best be seen when we get up from our place of comfort, abandon our rights to be served, serve until the task is finished and return to our place. Jesus’ washing the disciples’ feet is our example of how to serve others.

The Heart of the Matter Part 3

Love and life itself have many aha moments. It’s interesting how aha moments generally bring pleasure or a sense of satisfaction to us. Even the ones that are connected to painful moments, can bring a sense of value and closure to our hearts. Some are simple and last but the moment, while in others, their influence lasts a lifetime. Some even become the very substance of our lives.

The Heart of the Matter Part 2

We often aim near and miss far…sadly most of the time we are shortsighted when it comes to the spiritual life’s most important details. We sacrifice the eternal for the moment. Like a GPS or road signs, the Word of God tells us what’s coming next and how to prepare for what’s next along the road. But it seems that the most difficult signs are the ones that have to do with how we handle our possessions and wealth.