Sermons on James

Sermons on James

FACES Grace Cares For Everyone

We continue our talks on the FACE of Grace (Forgive Accept Care Encourage Strength) today its’ although Grace cares for everyone God has a special care designed for His sons and daughters. Some would say that He cares “much more” for those who have received His love through Jesus Christ. Is it an elite class or is it just simply dependent on one’s faith? And if its so, what would be the purpose of a group getting more care tan any other? Jesus did pray differently…

#ForTheMonValley – Locals

As communities change with age and suffer from unending cultural transitions, the established churches within those communities not only fall behind but easily develop an “us vs them” attitude in ministry. In this new series opener, Mark challenges us to run our race to win and to gather for the purpose of partnering with God. Join us as we look to sharpen our focus in order to bless our Mon Valley Communities. #ForTheMonValley…

The Heart of the Matter – Part 4

Mark’s final message in this series is about serving others as part of following Jesus in His Kingdom of Love. We reveal our love for God above all else and our love for our neighbor as your self. That can best be seen when we get up from our place of comfort, abandon our rights to be served, serve until the task is finished and return to our place. Jesus’ washing the disciples’ feet is our example of how to serve others.