Sermons on Luke

Sermons on Luke

FACES Strengthened like Steel

This is the final message this series. We tend to compare strength in terms of physical first. Often when we say we can’t, its because we think about supporting something in our own power. But today we want to consider strength from the perspective of being settled in our minds because of faith. Trusting God to do because we choose to believe He will! Because we accept that He is faithful to us and will be faithful to us.

You Lead, I’ll Follow – Part 2 – Life in Your Garden

What’s the one thing that every gardener wants from their garden? GROWTH! A lot of energy gets spent in gardening but there are some things that are out of the control of the gardener, weather, insects, blights, pollution, etc. And those ideas are often true about our marriage as well. The goal of a Christian marriage should be that our spouse grows in Jesus. That’s the direction of this message…

The Heart of the Matter – Part 4

Mark’s final message in this series is about serving others as part of following Jesus in His Kingdom of Love. We reveal our love for God above all else and our love for our neighbor as your self. That can best be seen when we get up from our place of comfort, abandon our rights to be served, serve until the task is finished and return to our place. Jesus’ washing the disciples’ feet is our example of how to serve others.

Cornered Part 1: Set in Stone

Prior to the industrial age, buildings, especially masonry buildings, were built by using a “cornerstone” it was the most important starting point of a building. All the dimensions, the quality, and security of the building were determined by the quality and placement of the cornerstone. In this first talk, Mark focuses on our place of stability in spiritual warfare – the cornerstone. In light of this, we began the morning message contemplating the Serenity Prayer including the little known second…

When you pray Part 5

In this message, Mark puts the wraps on our series concerning prayer. In prayer, we deal directly with God and only in a secondary sense other people. It is not our prayer that moves people, but the God to whom we pray. If a scheming Jacob was given “power with God and with men,” then surely anyone who follows God’s prayer principles can enjoy the same power (Genesis 32:28). And it’s in that power with God that we find the…

Collision Course David Schollaert

The sinking of the Titanic is arguably the most famous disaster in history, but not the deadliest – more than 1,500 people lost their lives. Sir Edward Smith didn’t foresee that he was on a collision course with an iceberg when he set sail on that fateful Wednesday morning on April 10, 1912. Often times we can see others on a collision course, but we rarely see it coming for ourselves until it is too late. The widow of Nain in Luke…