"Invest Jesus" Tagged Sermons

"Invest Jesus" Tagged Sermons

Tailored 2 Fit Suitable

Today’s message is about being who God’s truly made us to be. The reason that is important is because those marked by God’s love are called to obey! The basis for discipleship is the death of Jesus for the world. Disciples die for family, friends and enemies equally as opportunity arises. Today our bottom line is…. “If you’ve been marked by God’s love, be who you are not what people expect”

FACES Strengthened like Steel

This is the final message this series. We tend to compare strength in terms of physical first. Often when we say we can’t, its because we think about supporting something in our own power. But today we want to consider strength from the perspective of being settled in our minds because of faith. Trusting God to do because we choose to believe He will! Because we accept that He is faithful to us and will be faithful to us.

FACES: grace accepts them all

In part two we hear jokingly about “a face only a mother could love” or I’ve heard that a baby is “so ugly their cute”. The truth is that Grace Accepts Them All! This week’s talk is about how God’s Grace is inclusive, freely extended to everyone, but not at the cost of His character. Inclusion for God the Father meant Calvary for Jesus and a cross for each of us!

#ForTheMonValley Part 2 – Rivals

There are all sorts of Rivals in many areas of life….sports, work, education. Rivals are also seen as neighboring towns, townships, and Counties, and sadly sometimes other congregations. But we’re not competing but co-laboring, yet we’ve got our personal mandate to serve with them. And to serve all of them. In this talk, we’ll see that rather than being “one of two or more striving to reach or obtain something that only one can possess” (Merriam-Webster’s) that we have three…

The Uniqueness Of Jesus – Walter White

Truth is attractive and that’s why Jesus is seen as a great teacher. But when the call goes out to rely on and follow Him, fear of what I might lose if I do, often takes over and paralyzes one’s heart. So we look to works, good works, to repair our bad work. But what is the formula for covering one sin, or one bad work? What is the baseline for acceptable? Who determines it?

You Lead, I’ll Follow – Part 3 – Of Ropes and Threads

“While your children are small you have then by a rope. Before they reach puberty, you will find that your rope has become a thread.” (Pastor Bob White) This weekend we examined our roles in parenting in light of the Gospel mandate to make disciples. We are all in love with our own opinions, convinced they’re correct. But the Lord is in the midst of us, testing and probing our every motive. Before you do anything, put your trust totally in…

You Lead, I’ll Follow – Part 2 – Life in Your Garden

What’s the one thing that every gardener wants from their garden? GROWTH! A lot of energy gets spent in gardening but there are some things that are out of the control of the gardener, weather, insects, blights, pollution, etc. And those ideas are often true about our marriage as well. The goal of a Christian marriage should be that our spouse grows in Jesus. That’s the direction of this message…