"service" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

"service" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

When you pray Part 5

In this message, Mark puts the wraps on our series concerning prayer. In prayer, we deal directly with God and only in a secondary sense other people. It is not our prayer that moves people, but the God to whom we pray. If a scheming Jacob was given “power with God and with men,” then surely anyone who follows God’s prayer principles can enjoy the same power (Genesis 32:28). And it’s in that power with God that we find the…

Collision Course David Schollaert

The sinking of the Titanic is arguably the most famous disaster in history, but not the deadliest – more than 1,500 people lost their lives. Sir Edward Smith didn’t foresee that he was on a collision course with an iceberg when he set sail on that fateful Wednesday morning on April 10, 1912. Often times we can see others on a collision course, but we rarely see it coming for ourselves until it is too late. The widow of Nain in Luke…

No Small Dreams Part 4 Work Like Heaven

Its been said that the greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a wasted life. Not only is this life the only opportunity people have to trust Christ as savior but it is also the only opportunity we have as Christians to give God our all. I don’t want you to settle for second place. I want you to win the race that God has given to you. I don’t want you to settle for a small harvest. I want you to…

No Small Dreams – 3 – Building Your Core

Your core is the basic or central part, the foundation, the inmost or most intimate part of you, your body or anything. The core for us is our soul. It is thought by some that the soul has 5 parts: mind, will, emotions, conscious and unconsciousness. It is eternal and is molded over time by our experiences, education etc… It is what is recreated and begins a transformation by the power of the indwelling Spirit of God when you put your…

No Small Dreams – Part 2 – Four Commitments for Big Dreams

God has BIG plans and purposes for His creation. He’s imagined it and we can understand that because He has given us, those created in His image, ability to dream the ability to imagine! To dream is a gift from God, its a tool, anything that God gives as a gift can be misused, abused and perverted. Those dreams can also be our source to activate the laws of sowing and reaping which pertain to all, not just believers in Christ. They begin when we first plant…

Speaking of Mercy Part 7: Be a Catalyst for Mercy

The Church of Jesus Christ has been the traditional catalyst for social justice in impoverished countries, its’ time for us to be that same catalyst for our neighbors here in Mon Valley. Our greatest witness is showing mercy. We don’t have to convince anyone. But we’re called to show people the mercy of God that we’ve received. Tell them about the many times God has helped us by helping them. That’s how can we become catalysts of mercy! That’s how can we practice…

Speaking of Mercy Part 6: A Home Made in Mercy

It’s Easter Sunday and Jesus is Risen! In this message we to looked at the effect God’s power can have in our families. Because one of the hardest places to show mercy is right within the walls of our own homes. Family members hurt and are hurt by each other in ways that are especially challenging. Yet God wants our homes to be Homes Made in Mercy! There are at least four ways we can show mercy at home. Message outline notes from A Home Made…

Speaking of Mercy Part 5: Sharing Your Mercy

What we call “Psalm Sunday” was just another day until Jesus came in on donkey’s colt and the crowd, made up mostly of those he had touched cried: “Hossana – “Save Now.” This display lead to a crazed city asking in an uproar as he entered. “Who is this?” And the crowds replied, “It’s Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.” Matt.21:10-11(NLT) As we begin week five in our Speaking of Mercy series so far it’s been primarily about God’s mercy toward as our focus. But today, the…

Speaking of Mercy Part 3 – Mercy Says Enjoy and Forgive

In week three of “Speaking of Mercy” series a truth that promises to bring to our senses and our wills the freedom that at times only our heads embrace. What God has done for us in his forgiveness through Jesus Christ is not just a momentary emotion. God intended His Good News of forgiveness to create a genuine enduring emotion when it sinks deeply into our hearts. Freedom in two specific ways: When you say “God forgive me” and when you say “I forgive you”. It’s the truth that mercy forgives. You…