Sermons on Hebrews

Sermons on Hebrews

Intentional: Embracing the value of God’s Grace

Consider the place you find yourself in today is your pulpit. In our highly pressured life, common to all, God’s design is for us to embrace His Grace as revealed in Jesus Christ. Wherever you are, you’re in the best place to embrace grace.

FACES Encouraged not Egged

Egg on you face or being egged both produce undesirable sentiments that we’d all like to avoid. The the idea that we could be believing God for something that could leave us looking embarrassed or foolish often plagues us and hinders our obedience trust. For someone to persist with some sort of an argument or some sort of abuse after their initial attack wears us out and can cause us to wonder if God has abandoned us. But Hebrews 6:18 (NLT) says…

FACES Grace Cares For Everyone

We continue our talks on the FACE of Grace (Forgive Accept Care Encourage Strength) today its’ although Grace cares for everyone God has a special care designed for His sons and daughters. Some would say that He cares “much more” for those who have received His love through Jesus Christ. Is it an elite class or is it just simply dependent on one’s faith? And if its so, what would be the purpose of a group getting more care tan any other? Jesus did pray differently…

Mindset: When Hope Shows It’s Face

The people in the scriptures and their stories are not exceptions but are examples for us to follow in like faith. I’ll tell you that although in life we usually do not get to choose which battles we will face, we always get to choose whether we will face them in faith or not. The difference is “…how you see because the unseen is what you’ve seen”.  What our world, our country, state, neighborhoods and families need right now more than…

You Lead, I’ll Follow – Part 2 – Life in Your Garden

What’s the one thing that every gardener wants from their garden? GROWTH! A lot of energy gets spent in gardening but there are some things that are out of the control of the gardener, weather, insects, blights, pollution, etc. And those ideas are often true about our marriage as well. The goal of a Christian marriage should be that our spouse grows in Jesus. That’s the direction of this message…

Life in Circles Part 1 – Watch Your Step

Commitment isn’t enough. You and I, we must be connected. Life is better connected because connection results in, faithfulness. It’s not enough to have strong commitments and convictions. We must have strong connections; we must be in environments where we’re encouraged, urged, and exhorted to remain faithful. This begins a two-part series in preparation for beginning our new Fall community groups.

Nothing is Impossible for God (Vimeo)

Sic enim dilexit Deus mundum ut Filium suum unigenitum daret ut omnis qui credit in eum non pereat sed habeat vitam aeternam. Omnis enim quicumque invocaverit nomen Domini salvus erit. Et ait faciamus hominem ad imaginem et similitudinem nostram et praesit piscibus maris et volatilibus caeli et bestiis universaeque terrae omnique reptili quod movetur in terra. In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram.